New Single “Raise Your Voice” to be Released to All Streaming Platforms on November 5, 2021

Hello, hello!

Again, it’s been a while. There has been a lot going on so let me try to get you up to date.

First of all, I’ve been writing and I’m in a good place with it. I took a bit of a plunge and had one song professionally recorded. I had posted my demo of the song a few years ago on YouTube and on Facebook but this new version is a considerably more stellar country recording. It’s available in my store here on the site and soon (November 5th, 2021) will be available on all major streaming outlets including Spotify, Apple Music, and more. I’m really happy with the message this song sends in the final verse, especially during this tumultuous time in our country. I always said that I’m a writer first and still have reservations about being an artist, but if no one else will sing my songs then why not me? 🙂 Hopefully there will be more singles where this one came from.

The Star City Syndicate closed the summer season back in September. Again, a roaring success, even with COVID restrictions. We are now wood-shedding new songs for next season and are really excited to get some new stuff on the set list.

Common Crossing took a backseat in 2021. We had two official gigs and both featured Jon Simonoff as a fill-in bass player, as Shane Mountain went through knee surgery. Luckily he is on the mend and we have a show scheduled for January 2022. More details to come.

The Common Crossing “Duo” however, has been fairly busy. It’s probably my favorite performance setting because it’s just Doug Cronkhite and I on acoustic guitar and cahone. We have a blast, sometimes just entertaining ourselves.

So the main news is the new single so be sure to tell your friends about the streaming release on November 5th and have them add me to their playlist. Every little bit helps.

Hope to see you out there soon!

Peace ~ Brian